NV Spline Tools is a system for setting up a modular sequence of meshes to follow the path of a spline.
It is built entirely in Blueprints, and is designed to be used at edit time to help create levels.
It can be used to quickly create flexible level features such as fences, walls, tracks, pipes, etc.
These tools are designed to be a customisable base system for any kind of flexible architecture.
While two simple sets of example meshes are included, this system is primarily designed to be used with user-supplied static meshes.
The package also includes the two sample usages shown in the images and video, complete with simple models and PBR materials.
Wooden fence sample, a set of 6 wooden fence segment meshes and 1 wooden post mesh.
A simple corridor, only for demonstration purposes
Technical Details Features:
Place and deform spline meshes along a spline:
- Repeating segments along the entire length of the spline
- Repeating segments between each point on the spline
- Segments stretched between each point on the spline
Place static meshes along a spline:
- At fixed distances along the spline
- Between deformed segments
- At points on the spline
Adjust the placement of meshes based on the length of the spline:
- Stretch meshes to cover the distance
- Potentially stop early to avoid stretching
Select from a list of meshes to use:
- Randomly
- Sequentially
Adjust the mesh sequence based on the distance to cover:
- Complete the sequence by using the mesh that most closely matches the remaining distance
- Always use the longest segment(s) until the last segment